Yoga Boogie Collab with my Brother!

Colin Fisher’s improvised music intertwines with my Suntwine yoga dance flow!

My brother Colin Fisher is a musician who’s been playing one-of-a-kind performances within the Toronto free jazz/improvisation scene (and beyond!) for decades.

It’s been a while since we’ve done anything together, so we decided to join forces for a video!

The crew at the Yoga Chapple produced the mesmerizing video above using real studio lighting (no filters here!).

Colin improvised the soundtrack while watching my “Yoga Boogie” dance video, inspired by the movement and rhythm.

As an artist (and a human being!) Colin is open to exploring new ideas and ways of expressing himself in collaboration with others.

He recently collaborated with the Polaris prize-winning music creator Dan Snaith on his highly-anticipated new Caribou album Suddenly.

Since Colin is a multi-instrumentalist Dan was able to record all kinds of original samples in his London home studio.

Thanks to Colin and the Yoga Chapple for working with me on this fun project!

I hope everyone enjoys it, please leave a comment below!

3 thoughts on “Yoga Boogie Collab with my Brother!

  1. Heather Jesson

    What a beautiful memory for both of you to look back on. Your creativity and performance level are mesmerizing. Thanks for putting it out there for us to enjoy.

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