Less Is More: Slow Flow Yoga

Although we’re all living in challenging times, for many of us the Social Distancing experience has offered a rare opportunity to slow life down.

Rather than the usual daily avalanche of tasks, interactions, and sensory stimuli from every direction, we’re able to take a deep breath, close our eyes and enjoy… silence.

In this spirit, today I’m sharing a ten-minute Suntwine Slow Flow yoga video.

Don’t worry – my microphone volume isn’t muted!

I lead the session without talking.

Rather than listening to my voice for instruction, follow along with my motions on the video.

If you’d like to close your eyes during the session, you can improvise your own movements.

Sometimes, less is more.

If you enjoyed this slow, non-vocal session, please share your experience in the comments below!

1 thought on “Less Is More: Slow Flow Yoga

  1. Wanda Fisher

    It’s a great way to not only do yoga but helps with your concentration with the focussing.

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