Category: Community

Backyard Yoga with the Kids (and Pets!)

Last week, my son’s teacher asked if I could post an online yoga session for the class to do while school was on hiatus. Teachers recognize better than anyone the positive effect yoga has on young people in classroom settings. A lot of people (young or otherwise) are suffering from “cabin fever” right now. My […]

Yoga Boogie Collab with my Brother!

Colin Fisher’s improvised music intertwines with my Suntwine yoga dance flow! My brother Colin Fisher is a musician who’s been playing one-of-a-kind performances within the Toronto free jazz/improvisation scene (and beyond!) for decades. It’s been a while since we’ve done anything together, so we decided to join forces for a video! The crew at the […]

Community Yoga at CrossFit Stratford

I always feel grateful whenever I get to share yoga with young people. Whether I’m teaching yoga as a volunteer in my sons’ classrooms, or leading nightly stretches to a gym-full of kids as part of the EatFit Project in Nunavut, or helping high school students practice mindful and creative movement, I love working with […]